The Territory of Kosovo is now under the administration of the United Nations. The United Missions Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the Kosovo Government established the Kosovo airlines in the year of 2003. The Kosovo Airlines offer flights to different European capitals to and fro. The cheapest flights are from Pristina to Stuttgart. The headquarters of the Kosovo Airlines are in Pristina with other offices in Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Hamburg etc. The Hamburg International is the parent company. The airplane tickets are easily available through online booking services and can be accessed from anywhere. It provides air support with other airlines like the ATA Airlines of New York, Hamburg International, Germanwings of Stuttgart, Edelweiss Air of Zurich, and LTU International of Dusseldorf. The Kosovo Airlines has been sought with problems for some time due to the conflict in the Balkan regions. During the independent air travel time it enjoyed, it covered destinations like Copenhagen in Denmark, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hanover and Munich in Germany, Gothenberg in Sweden, and Zurich and Geneva in Switzerland. There was a Boeing 737-700 which was wet leased from Hamburg International and the lease went out on 10 may 2006, after which the flight operations were ceased. The Airlines now fly regular flights to different European capitals. The plane tickets for the different destinations are reasonably charged and special services are provided for different groups of people like infants and pregnant woman. The Kosovo Airlines maintain an official website where reservations are carried out.